We believe that God created us to be connected in a loving harmonious relationship to him, each other, and his creation. We are committed to bringing the love and grace of God to our physical and online community. Our mission is to help create and develop these connections so that we might follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and transform our communities. We welcome all who are in search of the truth, who yearn for an authentic faith journey, and who want to be with others genuinely committed to living out their faith. As we engage and connect, as we listen and accept, as we engage in helping others, as we advocate and journey with those who need social justice- the weak, vulnerable, and oppressed, we believe that we become the body that Jesus the Christ calls us to be.


We are proud to be part of the North Star Congregations, local churches in the West Ohio Conference that are prepared to welcome anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. North Star Congregations are places where you will find spaces and persons of peace who will care for you during a difficult season along your spiritual journey. If you find yourself disconnected from the church, please be assured that there is still a place for you in the United Methodist Church. A North Star Congregation may be just what you need to help you through this unexpected season. Click on the QSR code or the logo for more information.

Our Mission
We believe that God created us to be connected in a loving harmonious relationship to him, each other, and his creation. We are committed to bringing the love and grace of God to our physical and online community. Our mission is to help create and develop these connections so that we might follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and transform our communities. We welcome all who are in search of the truth, who yearn for an authentic faith journey, and who want to be with others genuinely committed to living out their faith. As we engage and connect, as we listen and accept, as we engage in helping others, as we advocate and journey with those who need social justice- the weak, vulnerable, and oppressed, we believe that we become the body that Jesus the Christ calls us to be.

Worship Services
We gather both live on Facebook & also in person at Oregonia UMC.
Sundays 9AM EST .
You can also gather with us at any time as the service will post on our FB page.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:00pm EST
Praise & Prayer is a quick 15 minutes where we engage via Facebook to share our prayer concerns and praises for where we see God in our lives.
Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 PM EST via Zoom. If you would like to participate, send Pastor Scott a request and he will add you.